Mengulas Khasiat Tanaman

Natural way to relieve wrinkled skin

Natural way to relieve wrinkled skin. People said, you get older but you have to keep up appearance, especially your face skin. it is normally when face skin starts to fade and wrinkle. But it may be a problem, when face skin become wrinkled earlier.

Many factors are causing wrinkle of face skin, such as aging, pollution, stressed, life style, lack of vitamins and others. this natutral way below could be used to relieve wrinkled skin.

Relieving winkled skin

  1. Mix mased banana  with egg whites and honey sufficiently. spread the masker on to face and neck, avoid area around the eyes. Keep it until drying out, then clear up with cool water. Use this anti wrinkle masker routinly to get satisfying result.
  2. Squeeze a piece of melon and add a teaspoon of eucalyptus with one fourth of lime betel. stir well then pour it on to face every night.
  3. Prepare fresh cucumber, a teaspoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey, and a spoon of cornflour. Peel cucumber skin, and  blend it. Add olive oil, honey and cornflour to blend together. Put the herb in to a vessel, and keep it in refrigerator for an hour. spread it on the face as a masker and hush it. when the masker is becoming dry, flush face with warm water for hereafter flush it with cool water.
  4. Provide honey sufficiently, spread it on to face evenly, then hush it. after it runs for about 30 minutes, flush face with warm water to unwind pores, then use ice cube to reclose pores by wiping it evenly on the face. do this treatment once a week.
  5. Take some coconut oil , spread it on to surface and  hush it. clear up face with warm water after 15 minutes, then flush again with cool water. Do this way according to the needs to tighten your skin.
  6. Take pineapple, and peel its rind. spread the expoilated flesh of fruit with the rind on to problematic surface of face. flush face with warm water after 20 minutes when pineapple liquid has been dried out. do this treatment once in a week.
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2 Komentar untuk "Natural way to relieve wrinkled skin"

maaf teh saya gak tau harus komen apa soalnya bacanya aja saya gak bisa apalagi paham. hehee jadi ya cuma mampir aja nyruput kopi

what a great tips teh...
home made and natural way to relieve wrinkled skin


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