Eliminating Bad Breath with Piper Betel Leaf. Piper betel is one of Indonesian popular decorative plants. This plant is original Indonesia, we called it "sirih" plant. Chinese named it ju jiang, and in Singapore it is familiar called ikmo, itmo and boyo-anis.
Since a long time ago, Piper betel leaf is usually used to treat many deseases traditionally such as nosebleed, cough, bronchitis, whitis and some skin deseases. Even, piper betel leaf decoction is trusted could treat tumor and cancer. It is also known eliminating bad breath and body odor.
Piper betel leaf is containing useful chemical substansces as like essential oil which could be made treated kind of aromatherapy, stimulants, anti - inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, stop bleeding (hemostatic), aphrodisiac, tonic to the nerves and many more. chavicol in piper betel leaf which caused very distinctive aroma is proven to kill bacteria ( the power to kill bacteria is five times stronger than ordinary phenol).
In Indonesia and some Asian (Malaysia, India and Thailand), there is a habit chewing betel leaf mixed with other herb such as areca nut, gambier, lime and clove. we call it "nginang". chewing betel leaf mixed with other plants is efficacious for health, such as maintaining teeth and gums healthy, freshening breath, and even keeping of oral cancer."menginang" is recommended for treating teeth and mouth healthy and also eliminating bad breath.
If it's hard to get herb for "menginang", you can try a simpler and more practical way below. prepare 2 pieces of betel leaves then wash them clearly Brew them with hot water for 30-60 minutes in to a glass of water. rinse your mouth and swallow it. do this treatment when awaking befor getting some breakfast. If this is done routinely you will be free from both interference of mouth and bad breath. And You will be fresher, healthier and cheerful.
Since a long time ago, Piper betel leaf is usually used to treat many deseases traditionally such as nosebleed, cough, bronchitis, whitis and some skin deseases. Even, piper betel leaf decoction is trusted could treat tumor and cancer. It is also known eliminating bad breath and body odor.
Piper betel leaf is containing useful chemical substansces as like essential oil which could be made treated kind of aromatherapy, stimulants, anti - inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, stop bleeding (hemostatic), aphrodisiac, tonic to the nerves and many more. chavicol in piper betel leaf which caused very distinctive aroma is proven to kill bacteria ( the power to kill bacteria is five times stronger than ordinary phenol).
Piper betel leaf to eliminate bad breath
In Indonesia and some Asian (Malaysia, India and Thailand), there is a habit chewing betel leaf mixed with other herb such as areca nut, gambier, lime and clove. we call it "nginang". chewing betel leaf mixed with other plants is efficacious for health, such as maintaining teeth and gums healthy, freshening breath, and even keeping of oral cancer."menginang" is recommended for treating teeth and mouth healthy and also eliminating bad breath.
If it's hard to get herb for "menginang", you can try a simpler and more practical way below. prepare 2 pieces of betel leaves then wash them clearly Brew them with hot water for 30-60 minutes in to a glass of water. rinse your mouth and swallow it. do this treatment when awaking befor getting some breakfast. If this is done routinely you will be free from both interference of mouth and bad breath. And You will be fresher, healthier and cheerful.
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15 Komentar untuk "Eliminating Bad Breath with Piper Betel Leaf"
pengen juga bikin artikel bahasa asing, berharap ada yang datang dari luar
Ini daun sirih merah yang banyak manfaatnya ya gan, ane juga nanam 2 pohon sekarang lebat banget!
in addition, betel leaves also can keep the teeth in order to stay clean
saat ini orang yg nginang udah dikit banget teh.
padahal banyak banget manfaatnya selain untuk menghilangkan bau mulut juga untuk memperkuat gigi
saya didatangi teteh santi aja udah bangga
blio kan orang indo :D
saya juga Orang Indonesia lho Kang Yanto ...
Daun Sirih Piper itu bentuknya sama dengan daun sirih yg biasa ada bukan ya teh ? ...
Ternyata kandungan kimia yg ada pada daun sirih ini bermanfaat sekali bagi pengobatan tradisional yah, Kalo untuk mengobati mimisan, gusi berdarah dan menghilangkan bau mulut sih saya sudah sering dengar dan melihat, tapi kalo untuk mengobati tumor dan kangker baru denger hehehe...
Tumben dibaca..! wkwk seratus buat kang eka, sejuta buat saya
iya betul banget mas, akibat salah pergaulan wkwk, cara praktis kebanyakan yang dipilh, menginang dihitungnya sangat ribet
explanation above represent only a fraction usability, but we only explain about the properties of betel to eliminate bad breath
asiik saya boleh minta dong..
kirain kang eka orang kampung sawah hehe
perlu di translate teh aku belum ngerti semua nya hehehehe translate dulu ahh biar bisa baca semua nya :)
saya orang deket aja nih mba.... ha, ha,, ha,,
Tanaman obat yang bagus kalau untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari untuk perawatan nih, keluarga saya malah pada mnum juga ko mba.