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Optimum Muscle Care

Optimum Muscle Care. By looking after their muscles, people can avoid aches, pains, and injuries now and when they get older. Regular exercise and a good diet help keep the muscles in good condition and ensure that they are less likely to be injured.

Knowing the correct way to lift heavy objects helps avoid the back injuries that so often happen when lifting for people who use computers, or who sit at a desk for long periods, it is important that their desk and chair are both at the correct height, and that their computers screen and keyboard are placed in the right position to avoid straining the body unnecessarily. If minor muscle or tendon injuries occur, ther are simple self-help methods that can be used to reduce the pain and to speed up the healing process.

Sitting correctly

Sitting in correctly at an office desk can cause all sorts of muscular problems and pain. A person who, like this women, is working on a word processor at a desk, should arrange her work area to minimize back and other injuries.

He chair should be at the correct height and the right design so that the back is supported properly while keeping the body upright, and the feet are kept flat on the ground. The arms should be perallel to the ground and jus resting on the keyboard. The computer screen should be in front of the user so that she does not have to look up or down when working.

Lifting correctly

Lifting heavy objects incorrectly is a common cause of muscle injury. All too often a person will bend over an object and try to lift with their legs kept straight. This puts unbearable pressure on the back and can cause strain and tears of the back muscles  and tendons.

When lifting a heavy object. You should bend your knees before holding it. Then, keeping your back straight, push upward with your legs and straighten them in order to lift the object. Make your legs do the work to avoid straining your back.


If you have a muscle or tendon injury. The best immediate treatment you can give it is the "RICE" procedure. It is called RICE because you have to rest the injured part, put ice on the injury, apply gentle pressure to compress the injury, then raise or Elevate the injured part.


Just after an injury has occurred, using an ice pack or a clot soaked in cold water can help reduce the swelling. After an injury the affected part gets hot as it becomes more sore and tender. Applying something cool - and this could be a pack of frozen food from the freezer wrapped in a cloth reduce both the temperature and the soreness.


If the site of the muscle injury is carefully and gently compressed, this can help. It can be done by putting a thick layer of plastic foam or cotton wool around the injury, then tying it - not too tightly - using a bandage. Compression supports the injured part and helps reduce the swelling.


Elevation or raising the injured part on a cushion or other suitable object, help reduce the risk of bruising. Bruising is caused by bleeding under the skin. Elevation reduces the blood flow to the injury and cuts down the amount of bleeding that can occur. So, to treat a muscle or tendon injury, remember RICE.
13 Komentar untuk "Optimum Muscle Care"

waw, this is article english language ya

hem saya salut dengan mbak ini, bisa juga menulis artikel english dengan baik, dah lama saya gak kesini nih, sukses selalu ya mbak

Nanti Teh saya ambil konci inggris dulu.. soalnya gak mudeng :D

Articles about muscle thank you for sharing. Teh Santika :)

Teh Santika emang pakarnya bebrbahasa english Mas Pur. dan artikel yang di publish nya menjelaskan seputar otot yang optimal. good post

hihihi... gimana bacanya ya

wihh, saya harus buka translate dulu ah Teh, baru bisa tau isi artikel ini hohoho. .Teh Santika Jago eum bahasa bulenya hihihih

This article is only trying my luck, thank's..

oh menjelaskan tentang otot ya mas.. saya sendiri ga tahu wkwk..

ah kang saud suka merendah,, nuhun ya..

ga usah dibaca, dimakan aja mas wkwkwk..

akibat kebanyakan makan kejoo hehe.. insya Allah diperbanyak kang mumpung ada temen yang mau bantu..

guru bahasa inggris apa guru matematika sih teh? kok fasih amat cas cis cus...


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